Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm off to San Francisco tomorrow for a group exhibit at the Thacher Gallery at USF. I've been really lazy with updating this blog but I plan on keeping it up in the future. Please stay tuned for images from the exhibits I've been in this year. You can also check out and see a video of the show back in April. Here is a list of the group shows I've participated in this year.

SomArts Gallery, San Francisco, CA - 'Overmapped' - April 5-25th, 2007
Remy's on Temple, Los Angeles, CA - 'Overmapped' traveling exhibit - August 3rd to September 16th, 2007
Thacher Gallery, USF, San Francisco, CA - 'To Hedenopolis From Melancolony' - August 20th to October 19th, 2007


Unknown said...

your work illustrates diverse arts.

the notes speak of love, sadness, dissapointment and perhaps peace.

Unknown said...

i forgot to mention that your work is extraordinary!!!!!!!!!!!